+7 (926) 095-32-31Physical Damage
Mensor’s engineers, based on their extensive industrial experience, assess the risk to property from all perils, including fire and explosion and natural perils. They provide both a qualitative assessment of the risk and a calculation of the Estimated Maximum Loss (EML).
The WinRAT® proprietary software package is used to calculate the losses resulting from Vapour Cloud Explosions (VCEs). Swiss Re and Munich Re software is used by Mensor’s engineers to evaluate natural perils exposure.
Risk reduction recommendations are presented to clients to help them protect their assets.
Business Interruption
Mensor assesses the potential loss of profits as a consequence of any type of loss. This type of loss can exceed the property damage loss many times over.
Machinery Breakdown
The repair or replacement of critical items of equipment can take many months and result in very significant losses. Our engineers assess the risk of breakdown or failure of all items of machinery and equipment.
Mensor carries out surveys and assessments of construction and erection works for owners and contractors. All types of potential loss are considered and Estimated Maximum Losses (EML) are calculated.
Consequential Advance Loss of Profits (ALOP) and Delay in Start-Up (DSU) losses are also determined.
Third Party Liability
The potential losses to third parties from events occurring within the facilities is also be assessed by Mensor’s surveyors.
Environmental Damage
The damage to the environment resulting from incidents within industrial facilities is becoming of increasing importance across the world. Mensor employs specialists who can fully assess the potential losses.